OHIP COVID Codes K300A & K301A

14 Oct 2021 02:16 AM
K300A and K301A are COVID tracking service codes. Starting service date October 1st 2021 whenever you bill K080A, K081A, K082A or K083A you must include K300A or K301A.

What is being tracked?

What’s being tracked is how the services were delivered by the doctor. Either the doctor delivered the service using a good ol’fashion phone (K301A) or by Video (K300A).
On the QuickClaim billing system, for example, when you are billing K083A for services that were delivered over the phone you must also include K301A for the same service date as the K083A.
New SOB File Available The latest SOB includes an automatic update to the latest fee codes including all the COVID K codes. Download the Latest SOB File Here Instructions: How do I upload the SOB file into QuickClaim
The same billing example with HYPEMedical can be seen in the image below.

K080A-K083A will need to be followed by a screening code for SERVICE dates starting Oct 01 2021. The screening codes are K300A (for video call) or K301A (for phone call).

What will happen if I forget to include a tracking code with service codes  K080A - K083A?

Your claim will be rejected with the error code VTC - Virtual Tech Code Required

Charlene Rooz