Blog tagged as Vaccine Clinic

Revolutionizing Post-pandemic Healthcare: HYPE Medical & HYPE Records Unleash Unmatched Efficiency

21 Apr 2023 12:29 PM By Charlene Rooz - Comment(s)
Revolutionizing Post-pandemic Healthcare: HYPE Medical & HYPE Records Unleash Unmatched Efficiency

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lasting impact on medical professionals and healthcare systems across the globe. As we navigate the post-pandemic landscape, it is essential to acknowledge the lingering challenges faced by healthcare professionals and explore viable solutions that can ...

How do I bill H409A & H410A in HYPEMedical ?

22 Mar 2021 08:18 PM By Charlene Rooz - Comment(s)

Sessional Billing - Billing Work Done In A Covid-19 Assessment Centre Or A Vaccine Clinic

2 Steps to billing H409A & H410A:

H409A and H410A are billable by physicians who work at a clinic with a “Covid-19” group number. In HYPEMedical that means that another doctor profile has to be created with ...